About Priner

The Group Priner operates through companies Priner Serviços Industriais, Locador de Equipamentos, Smartcoat Engenharia em Revestimentos, R&R Isolafácil, Poliend and Brito&Kerche and Construtora gmaia, in the areas of Petrochemicals, Pulp and Paper, Steel, Offshore, Naval, Mining and Infrastructure.

Specialized in access, industrial painting, surface treatment, thermal insulation and pressurized cabin | Habitat, structural recovery, integrity and inspection engineering, the Priner Group seeks innovative solutions that offer practicality, combining productivity and environmental conservation.

The Priner is a business division originating from Mills Estruturas e Serviços de Engenharia SA, which in 2013 was sold to a Private Equity (FIP) investment fund, generated by Leblon shares

In 2017, as a result of a corporate restructuring of Priner, move up to Priner Locação de Equipamentos SA, a company that operates in the same sector, responsible for the rental of scaffolding, specialized equipment for access and pressurized cabinets.

In the same year, Priner started the process of mergers and acquisitions with companies Isolafácil and Smartcoat Engenharia em Revestimentos, having a relevant participation in the Brazilian services market for thermal insulation and surface treatment and industrial painting.

In February 2020, Priner held its IPO (Initial Public Offering of shares) at B3, becoming the 143rd company listed on the Novo Mercado, a segment that requires the adoption of the highest corporate governance practices, transparency and access to information by investors. In the same year, between September and October, acquires another 8% of Smartcoat, 49% of R&R Isolafácil and 100% of Poliend, starting the expansion of services in the industrial inspection area.

In order to strengthen and lead its performance in the areas of Non-Destructive Testing and Integrity Engineering of industrial assets, in 2022 the Priner Group grows even more with the acquisition of 55% of the inspection company Brito&Kerche . The expansion in the infrastructure segment takes place months later with the acquisition of 51% of the company's shares gmaia , specialized in waterproofing, protection, reinforcement and structural recovery services.

Empresas do Grupo Priner:



Operational start-up, as a MILLS business unit specialized in assembling access scaffolding in offshore and industrial facilities, an area in which it will lead and excel.


The unit was expanded in the 1990s to offer industrial painting and thermal insulation services.


Leadership in the area was consolidated with assembly of the heliport structure for the Petrobras P16 rig and the renewal of scaffolding contracts with Aracruz Celulose, among other projects.


Habitat launched, in partnership with Safehouse - positive pressure welding habitats for safe completion of hot work such as welding, cutting and grinding.


The Industrial Services unit is sold to a Private Equity (PE) fund managed by Leblon Equities and takes the name Mills|Si during the transition to the new trademark.


Launch of Web Deck™, a suspended work platform system designed for bridges, viaducts and offshore environments.


Mills|Si changes its name to PRINER , acting on two fronts: Rental Priner Industrial Services and Priner


The M&A phase begins with the companies ISOLAFÁCIL Tecnologia em Insulation Removable and Reusable and SMARTCOAT Engenharia em Revestimentos.


FEBRUARY: IPO (Initial Public Offering) at B3 - Priner becomes the 143rd company listed on the Novo Mercado, a segment that requires investors to adopt the highest corporate governance practices, transparency and access to information. SEPTEMBER AND OCTOBER: Priner acquires another 8% of Smartcoat, 49% of R&R Isolafácil and 100% of Poliend, starting the expansion of services in the area of ​​industrial inspection.


NOVEMBER: Creation of the Infrastructure business unit and organization of the event "Priner Day: Vision 2026 - Where we are, where we are going", presenting the strategic pillars, the business and the Group's ambitions.


Acquisition of 100% of the share capital of Brito&Kerche Inspeções S.A., a company that operates in the areas of Non-Destructive Testing and Integrity Engineering of industrial assets. Acquisition of 51% of shares in Construtora Gmaia to expand services in the Infrastructure segment.


In January, the Priner Group announces the acquisition of the company Soegeo Soluções em Engenharia Geotécnica, through its subsidiary Construtora gmaia, in the equivalent of 100% of the quotas representing its share capital, further consolidating the Infrastructure business unit. In February, it acquires 100% of the shares of two more companies in the segment Integrity Engineering and Inspection segment, the Labteste Análises and Testing of Metallic Materials and Tresca Engenharia e Integridade. In September, another acquisition took place, Semar Inspeções.


In June, Priner acquired Welding Inspeções, Engenharia e Análise de Recursos Ltda., with the aim of expanding operations to different segments and services, and establishing itself as a leader in the integrity engineering and inspection market in Brazil.

Our Purpose

Construir e preservar ativos industriais por meio de desenvolvimento de pessoas, protegendo vidas e o meio ambiente.

Our Vision

Visão 2026 - Ampliar o nosso mercado de atuação por meio de um portfólio inovador, tornando o Grupo uma escolha de valor e de confiabilidade para as partes relacionadas.

Our Values

Segurança: Somos rigorosos no cumprimento dos mais elevados níveis de segurança.

Pessoas: Valorizamos cada indivíduo, promovemos a diversidade, a inclusão e vibramos com o desenvolvimento do próximo.

Inovação: Perseguimos as melhores soluções, visando maximizar os resultados para cada cliente.

Ética e transparência: Agimos com ética e transparência em qualquer circunstância.

Qualidade: Honramos nossas entregas e prezamos pela qualidade dos serviços, produtos e informações.

Códigos e Políticas

Código de Ética e Conduta

Programa de Compliance

Política de Integridade contra Corrupção e Suborno

Política de Gestão de Riscos

Política de Privacidade do Site

Política Segurança da Informação

Política de Privacidade e Proteção de Dados

Política de Transações com Partes Relacionadas

Política para Contratação de Auditores Externos Independentes

Diretriz do Sistema de Gestão Integrada

Relatório Igualdade Salarial Priner

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